自宅滞在令中のお稽古4– 台天目 Practice During Stay-at-Home Order 4

もうすぐ7月です。コロナでStay home していたら、あっという間に夏が来てしまいました!さて、またまた自主練習しました。今月一杯は炉でお稽古します。四ケ伝の台天目のお点前です。

掛物は蓮の葉と実の水墨画の色紙です。倉敷の水墨画家 故 藤原りょう(木偏に右側のつくりは四の下に方)山(ざん)の手に成るものです。義理の叔父にあたる人です。花は桔梗。庭から切って鶴首に挿しておいたところ、1時間ほどでしおれてしまいました。慌てて横にして水の中に浸してあげたら、また元通り瑞々しくなりました。野に咲く花は水揚げが悪いので、このようにしてあげたら良いとお華の先生から教わりました。

Hard to believe it’s already July! Summer arrived while we were staying home during the quarantine. This week I practiced daitenmoku, one of the four shikaden procedures using ro. The picture of the scroll below is a sumie painting of lotus leaves and seed pods by my uncle, Ryozan Fujiwara, a painter from Kurashiki City. Although I picked the bellflowers from my garden an hour before the tea ceremony, they soon started wilting in the vase. Then they came back beautifully after I submerged them in water, laying them on their side for a while—a method I learned from my ikebana teacher. 


I prepared the mage “ bent wood” mizusashi, tenmoku-jawan, and chaire before the guest entered the room. Temonku- jawan is placed on the tenmoku-dai, with chashaku, chasen, and ivory chashaku. When handling tenmoku-dai, we start with the left hand, then the right hand. But when handling tenmoku-jawan, we start using the right hand, then left, always holding the chawan using both hands. Since the chaire” tea container” is Japanese made, the host folds the fukusa cloth with yohosabaki. When cleaning the ivory chashaku, we wipe it after we go through the regular fukusa sabaki


Before chasen toshi, we rinse the tea bowl and leave the bowl on the floor while cleansing the tenmokudai with fukusa. 


Before chasen toshi, we rinse the tea bowl and leave the bowl on the floor while cleansing the tenmokudai with fukusa. Chasen toshi is performed on the palm of the left hand. After making koicha “thick tea”, we turn the tenmokudai counter-clockwise, and place it at the same level of kantsuki “tea kettle handles.”


The manner of the guests;

Before drinking tea, all the guests bow together, then the main guest asks the host about tenmoku-dai and tenmoku-jawan. Before drinking tea a guest needs to take the chawan from the temokudai and place it on their own kofukusa, and turn the chawan clockwise. After drinking tea, the guest returns the chawan to the tenmoku-dai, and send the whole set to the next person.