恒例のWashington University での デモンストレーション

毎年ワシントン大学 Kendou Club と Japan Peer Network の学生さんからの依頼でお茶のデモンストレーションを披露していますが、今年は去る4月28日に大学構内のHillman Hallで開催されました。
準備期間が短かったため例年より参加者数が 少なかったようですが、それでも20名あまりの学生さんたちがお茶の歴史や精神についての講義を熱心に聞いてくださった後、お茶のお点前を興味深く見てくださいました。参加者全員にお菓子とお茶をお出しした後に質疑応答がありました。

Every year, we present a tea ceremony demonstration at the request of students from the Washington University Kendo Club and the Japan Peer Network. This year, it was held on April 28th at Hillman Hall on the university campus. Due to the short preparation period, there were fewer participants than usual. However, more than 20 students enthusiastically listened to a lecture about the history and spirit of tea and watched the tea ceremony with great interest. After serving sweets and tea to all participants, there was a Q&A session.

For students who grew up in Western cultures and those from Asian countries other than Japan, the tea ceremony likely holds many mysteries. There were various questions, including where to buy matcha and what kind is best, indicating the recent matcha boom.