This third week of June, we practiced tsuzuki-usucha where we serve “thin” tea after “thick” tea omitting the sumidemae (charcoal preparation procedure) between these teas. In the course of chaji (formal procedure involving meals between teas), we usually perform sumidemae, but for specific reasons, the ceremony can be cut short in the middle, serving the thick and thin tea in continuation. Request of this procedure can come from either the host or a main guest. Please refer to the conversation sample below for requesting this procedure.
That day we also had cool summer desert, kuzumochi, with matcha-bean paste for omogashi (main sweets) and karinto (fried dough cookies) and wasanbon for higashi (dry sweets). Soujun sensei made kuzumochi this time and it was delicious.
On the alcove, sensei hung the scroll with haiku thinking of the rainy season in Japan. The haiku read:
“A slight smile on the face of Buddha, in rainy season.”
続き薄茶 問答
亭主 『火加減もよろしい様ですので、続いてお薄を差し上げます』
正客 (受け礼)
正客 『まことに勝手ではございますが、続いてお薄を頂戴いたしたく存じます。』
亭主 『それでは炭でも改めまして。。。』
正客 『お湯加減もよろしいようですので、どうぞそのままで。』
亭主 『お言葉に従いまして、続いてお薄を差し上げます。』
Conversation for tsuzuki usucha
Conversation takes place right after the host pours the water into the kensui and puts the tea bowl in front.
The guest requests or the host informs of the abbreviated procedure:
1) Host informs of the procedure
Host: hikagen mo yorosiiyo desunode, tuzuite ousu o sashiagemasu.
Guest: ( bow )
Host: I will serve the thin tea since we still have a good embers burning.
guest: ( bow )
2) Request coming from the main guest:
Guest : makotoni katte nagara, tuzuite ousu o chodai shitaku zonjimasu.
Host: soredewa, sumi demo aratame mashite…
Guest: oyukagen mo yoroshiiyo nanode, douzo sonomamade.
Host: okotobani shitagaimashite, tsuzuite ousu o sashiagemasu.
Guest: Im sorry to trouble you, but I would like to have a thin tea now.
Host: Then, I will add new charcoal.
Guest: Please continue to make tea since this temperature of water is good.
Host: if you so request, I will serve you a thin tea now.