風炉初炭点前 Furo Shozumidemae


As November approached, we practiced Shozumi demae (charcoal setting procedure), and then enjoyed thin tea and thick tea in the Nakaoki procedure. In the alcove, I hung the painting of shiitake mushrooms and placed pampas grass and a toad lily in the vase. The sweets we served were Korean potato cakes. 


Before making tea, we did shozumi demae. A feather brush was used to clean around the hearth in the beginning, in the middle, and at the end. After we learned the names for each of the charcoals in various sizes and shapes and then carefully transferred them from the basket to the hearth to build the fire with the hibashi (metal chopsticks). There were already gray ashes inside the hearth. Using a spoon we scooped them out to make a hole shaped like a crescent moon. Later in the gozumi demae (second charcoal-preparation procedure), we fill in the hollow space with white ashes to make a white moon. 


Later, we enjoyed thin tea using the Nakaoki procedure. We moved the ro hearth to the center of the tatami mat. This procedure is performed in October when the weather gets cold, sometime between the season of furo (summertime hearth) and ro (wintertime hearth).