Letter from Kyoto
大阪でお茶の先生をされている友人の還暦祝の茶会に招かれました。場所は八幡市松花堂 竹隠。
お軸は『明歴々露堂々』 辻 宗雲 書 『一点も隠すことなく、はっきりしていて、堂々と目の前に存在する』という意味の禅語。
I was invited to my friend’s sixtieth birthday chakai in Osaka, Japan. It was held at Chikuin Tearoom in Shouka-do, Yahata City.
My friend chose a scroll that said “mei reki ro dodo” meaning “Be always clear and transparent.” She used this scroll to express the way she wants to live the rest of her life. It was a beautiful fall afternoon after the rain.